Listing is for 1 Carved Crystal Skull
Choose From Over 35 Healing Crystal Types and in 3 Sizes (measured by depth from front to back. See sizing chart for detail):
- 1.0 to 1.2 Inch
- 1.3 to 1.5 Inch
- 1.7 to 2.0 Inch
As these are natural crystals and hand carved, please understand that colors and features may vary from the photos.
In Tibetan and Buddhist culture, skulls symbolize the transitioning of one life to another. They represent the optimism of change rather than the sadness of loss. All of our crystal skulls are hand carved with Love, and are energetically charged in our garden before orders are placed. Whether you intend to use them for spiritual and healing purposes or as home decor or altar decor, we are sure you will love our crystal skulls!
Amethyst - Amethyst is a natural stress reliever as it magnifies positive vibes while cleaning your aura of negative energy. When wearing Amethyst, it will encourage you to engage in positive retrospection and increase intuition. Amethyst is most helpful for those who are stressed and overworked because it calms the mind, stimulates and balances the Crown and Third Eye Chakras allowing us to see the bigger picture and not stress over the small stuff. Amethyst helps slow down a racing mind full of noise, allowing your head to flow with creativity and solutions to your dilemma.
Angel Aura Quartz - is a type of Clear Quartz that is heated and lightly blended with titanium and gold metals, giving the gemstone a rainbow aura that shimmers beautifully in sunlight. Angel Aura Quartz provides adequate energy to fill you with endless happiness and confidence, making it the perfect stone to help the emotionally unstable and distressed. The powers of the gem also provide a defensive shield that helps promote mental clarity, pure tranquility, and inner peace. As Angel Aura Quartz is a type of Clear Quartz, the owner of this crystal skull also receives the benefits of the "Master Healer" Clear Quartz crystal. Such benefits includes channeling universal energy by means of absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing, and transmitting. This crystal skull enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling purposes. It is also beneficial for storing and retrieving information of all types, as information is a form of energy as well. It is also useful for energizing other crystals. Angel Aura Quartz is also a powerful crystal for opening the Crown Chakra. As a Crown Chakra stone, the Angel Aura Quartz assists in connecting and enhancing your access to your higher self. It encourages you to have faith in your path of life and offers a deeper understanding of the right way.
Aura Rose Quartz - is the perfect stone for healing and opening the Heart Chakra. This type of Quartz is created from Rose Quartz that is heated and lightly bonded with titanium and gold metals, giving the gemstone a rainbow aura that shimmers beautifully in sunlight. Aura Rose Quartz amplifies the energy of love. It is a great crystal for those looking to manifest a loving partner while opening your Heart Chakra to receive and give love fully in return. It is a stone to help heal the heart from past traumatic relationships, ease heart ache, and help one become more compassionate and kind while also increasing self-love and self-confidence. When placed in the home, Aura Rose Quartz will enhance vibrations of love and help your connection with your children and significant other. It is also a great stone for those wanting to learn patience in dealing with young children.
Black Obsidian - Benefits you in terms of releasing your anger, fear, worry, illusions, lies, and negative bonds. Once you have let go of negative thoughts and energy, you will gain in positive energy of love and light. Wear Black Obsidian for protection from negative energy. Many use this crystal to keep them from attracting energy vampires and to protect their aura from the negative energies of those in their daily environment that they cannot avoid.
Blue Sandstone - Also known as Blue Goldstone, symbolizes enterprise, success, victory, and glory, which enhance one's leadership and entrepreneurial skills. It is an excellent stone to meditate with before giving a speech or starting a new project. Blue Sandstone resembles the brilliant stars that shine in the dark blue sky, which bring about courage, confidence and willpower and boost vitality and energy.
Clear Quartz - This colorless crystal is bestowed the names, "Master Healer" and "Master Harmonizer" for a reason. Clear Quartz possesses natural vibrations that are very similar to our own human vibrations. Another benefit of Clear Quartz is its ability to amplify your intentions and the energies of other surrounding crystals. For these reasons, Clear Quartz helps one to open their minds and hearts for receiving divine guidance during difficult times. Clear Quartz meaning and healing properties also include dispelling negative energy while bringing in love and light to its wearer.
Crazy Lace Agate - You see those lace patterns on the stone? Those are known as happy lace. It is also dubbed the “Laughter Stone” and known to give joy to anyone who wears or carries it. Crazy Lace Agate is known to dispel fears and absorb emotional pain. The spirited energy it carries gives people pure joy, despite all the worries and doubts in one’s heart. The happiness it imparts isn’t superficial. Crazy Lace Agate addresses the root cause of sadness—one’s perspective on life. Crazy Lace Agate promotes mental agility and inspires one to see the beautiful things in life. When you feel gratitude for what you have and become flexible and open to change, you won’t be so easily upset or affected if things don’t go your way. This also means that you can find something good in every scenario, which makes even stressful situations seem okay. This brings about a healthy optimism and gusto for life which, in this day and age, is much needed by everyone.
Dalmatian Jasper - With natural dots reminiscent of the dog's coat, it's easy to see where Dalmatian Jasper gets its name. Dalmatian jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of joy to one's life. It offers protection against nightmares, worry, and negative thinking. It is said to be particularly beneficial to people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.
Dragon Blood Jasper - Use when you are feeling overpowered or out of control to regain your sense of stability. Associated with the Root and Heart Chakras, it is a wellspring of prana, and it can help one find their inner ‘reset,' so that one's body and energy fields regain resonance with a pattern of health, stability and emotional well-being. Dragon Blood Jasper is also an excellent stone to use for those who wish to break old habits.
Green Aventurine - This gemstone is said to benefit its owner in all areas of creativity and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. All such qualities are beneficial when it comes to acquiring wealth. Green Aventurine helps you create your own luck and teaches you to find opportunity in every situation.
Hematite - Grounds our energy. Protects us from negative forces and energy vampires. Hematite is popularly used to relieve stress, anxiety, and worry. It helps one deal with stressful situations with a calm heart and a clear head.
Howlite - A calming, peaceful stone, helpful in promoting solitude without creating feelings of loneliness. Promotes individuality and independence, giving one a positive outlook on life.
Indian Agate - Known for calming and relaxing the mind of those who wears it. It is also use to strengthen the body's connection to Earth. Meditating with this stone aids in the transformation of negative energy in our bodies into positive waves, resulting in peace and harmony. Inner peace is achieved when we are able to outdo the bitterness, anger, and resentments that we have in our hearts. Let Indian Agate help you get grounded and release these negative emotions that have been living rent-free in your mind.
Labradorite - Commonly referred to as the ‘Stone of Magic’, Labradorite gemstone has been used by healers, shamans, and many others who are in constant search for knowledge. Because of its unique and mysterious colors, it has become associated with all things magical and otherworldly. The root meaning of the Labradorite is connected with the ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’ realms. As a result, this gem has been used by many to awaken one’s inner spirit and psychic abilities such as telepathy, prophecy, and the ability to realize one’s past lives. Labradorite healing properties are closely related to shamanism, so healing is done by accessing different states of consciousness and bringing its energy to this world. This ties with the Labradorite meaning of being able to tap other realms. It is a stone that can help you recall your experiences in other realms, so you can use knowledge learned from other dimensions in your everyday life.
Lapis Lazuli - Signifies wisdom, truth, and knowledge. Associated with the Throat Chakra, it can also bring good communication, which is why it can be used to improve relationships of all kinds and for those in public speaking roles. Known as a stone of wisdom because it encourages one’s thirst for knowledge and truth. Lapis Lazuli helps with intellectual analysis, problem solving, and creativity.
Larvikite - found in Norway, this grounding stone has a strong connection to the energies of the Earth, helping us find stable ground during challenging times. Stimulates inner visions, provides clarity, and helps one realize that they have enough inner strength and intellect to rise from setbacks. Larvikite helps stimulate creativity and wisdom during the darkest of times so that one can make rational decisions not controlled by emotions.
Lava Stone - Made by volcanoes, use as a grounding stone for it develops and strengthens your connection to Mother Earth. Even though it pulls you up, it also brings you back down to earth when you’re getting too ahead of yourself. The vibrations from this gemstone will bring you courage and stability during changes in your life. Aside from that, you also get guidance and knowledge that will help you recover during tough and difficult circumstances. You can infuse the bracelet with your favorite essential oils to help balance your mood throughout the day.
Leopard Skin Jasper - A stone of courage, truth, and harmony. It encourages one to be honest with ourselves and others. Banishes illusions and helps us accept truth. Gives one courage to make difficult decisions and take action to bring stability to chaos. It is also a stone of harmony use in shamanism to strengthen ones connection to all living beings. For animal lovers, this is a great stone to help one understand and work with their pets.
Llanite (Que Sera) - known for drawing out one’s true intentions. It is a stone best for those who are unsure of themselves or those who seek to let loose. If you ever have trouble surrendering yourself to your ideas or emotions, then this stone can help you. Llanite serves those who tend to dwell in the past for far too long. Meditating with this stone will make one aware of the root cause of their ailments, often times stemming from emotional blockage.
Mahogany Obsidian - Deflects negative energies and creates space for strength, courage, and stability. Relieves you of self-victimization and feelings of unworthiness, giving you tunnel vision for your goals and dreams. Recharges the Sacral Chakra, allowing you to feel comfortable in your own skin and unintimidated in the bedroom, thus strengthening your relationship with your partner.
Malachite - Although formed with shavings and dust of real Malachite, this stone is man-made. Solid Malachite is a very rare and expensive stone. In order to make this stone carving budget friendly and available to more people, we are using the man-made version. Malachite is a stone of transformation and helps one move past stagnation and false sense of comfort. Often times we are stuck in the wrong relationship or field of work because we are afraid to let go of what we are used to. Malachite is like a north star, encouraging you to evolve into the best and highest version of yourself. In this way, it builds one's confidence and allows you to surrender and adapt to change instead of fighting it.
Opalite - Opalite meaning lies in its benefits of allowing you to look within, be honest with yourself, and help release suppressed emotions. As a result, you will be able to freely express emotions and thoughts that may be festering in your mind and heart for a long time. When this happens, naturally you will notice ideas and creative thoughts pop in your mind seemingly from nowhere. Opalite also helps increase insight and intuition, which help set the stage for the freedom of creative thought and ideas to occur.
Picture Jasper - holds a powerful connection to the earth. It is said to inspire creative visualization and is ideal for overcoming writer’s or artist’s block. Picture Jasper also encourages initiative and is particularly helpful in business pursuits. Having this stone with you to inspire confidence, creative vision and practical application in starting your own business.
Pyrite - Associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, Pyrite is an energy source of willpower, focus, and concentration. It removes confusion and blurriness from your mind and provides space for a logical and rational array of thoughts that leads to productive action. Pyrite benefits include heightened enthusiasm, courage, passion, ambition, imagination, and self-expression. Additionally, Pyrite enables you to see beyond the apparent and develop a profound insight.
Rainbow Aura Lava Stone - This stone is natural Lava rock that is heated and lightly blended with titanium and gold metals, giving the stone a rainbow aura that shimmers beautifully in sunlight. Lava Stone is a grounding stone and will make you feel more connected to Mother Earth and more protected from negative thoughts that adds unnecessary stress and anxiety to your day. This is great to have nearby when you are surrounded by chaotic energy. During these situations, having Lava Stone around will help you think more rationally and clearly; you are able to focus and concentrate to get things crossed off your long list of to-dos. It will also boost your confidence because you are more sure of your actions. The rainbow hues are an added bonus to bring light, joy and color to your chaotic, fast-paced lifestyle and a reminder that happiness is now.
Rainbow Fluorite - Fluorite helps clear away the debris cluttering our minds, allowing us to concentrate on what is important. Fluorite's meaning and benefits include giving the wearer the ability to organize thoughts, make wiser decisions, and create structure out of chaos. The name "Fluorite" is derived from the Latin word “fluo” which means “flux”. This is reflective of the crystal’s ability to allow an uninterrupted flow of information, ideas, and inspiration—making it excellent for those who want to learn a new skill, write a book, memorize a large amount of material for an exam, or come up with a new business concept.
Red Jasper - Red Jasper is considered to be a great stone of passion. Also known as the stone of action, use Red Jasper to break free of your bad habit of procrastination and start accomplishing small daily wins that over time will turn into great success beyond your wildest dreams.
Red Sandstone - This uniquely glimmering stone is like that one best friend that always has your back, the one you call up to make you laugh when you feel like crying. The sparkles embedded in Red Sandstone (also known as Goldstone) is a heavenly reminder that light is always there even in the darkest of times. Red Sandstone dispels toxic emotions and negative thoughts. It acts like a cheerleader for you, filling you with optimism, joy, and happiness. We are all too familiar with days where we sink to our lowest, not knowing how to rise from that darkness. This is where Red Sandstone, nicknamed the Stone of Ambition, acts as a savior and opens a chasm of light in that pit of darkness. It awakens your soul with a refreshing jolt, splashing you with a resurged wave of ambition, self-confidence, and determination to push forward.
Rhodonite - Rhodonite is one of the best crystals to heal the heart of emotional trauma. This pink crystal works as a first aid stone for calming down emotional pain and panic. Rhodonite not only helps the bearer deal with jealousy, angst, or other negative emotions after a heartbreak, it also gives the bearer the strength of forgiveness to deal with painful issues through peaceful and sincere reconciliation. Some even say that the Rhodonite is a stone that will give you a wakeup call, especially if you are in a state of denial with your current relationship. The Rhodonite stone also symbolizes the transformation of lust into a more passionate, intimate, and deeper exchange between lovers.
Rose Quartz - Known as the “Universal Love Stone”, Rose Quartz's properties echo this calming, sometimes giddy effect because it is known to provide a deep sense of personal fulfillment, contentment, and the ability to truly give and receive love. Not only attracting a loving partner, Rose Quartz is a great healer for those needing self-love, self-confidence, and self-esteem. In order to receive love, one must learn to love oneself first and Rose Quartz supports those on that journey of connecting with their inner self. Rose Quartz resonates goddess energy, as it is associated with the goddesses of love and fertility in many cultures.
Selenite - Known as the stone which contains the Light of the Spirit. Though delicate, Selenite contains a warm beam of light that inspires profound peace. Selenite also benefits those who search for tranquility, blessing, love, and Light. It also inspires peace, honesty, and harmony in its owner. Selenite serves as a powerful stone against energy vampires and creates a safe and uplifting space, free from worries or fears.
Snowflake Obsidian - When loss leaves you on shaky ground, Snowflake Obsidian swoops in and grounds you to the here and now, and still allow you to acknowledge your emotions. “You can’t heal what you can’t feel” is the motto of this gemstone. As you go through the stages of grief, Snowflake Obsidian’s ties to the earth will help you process your emotions without drowning in them.
Sodalite - Known as the Logic Stone or Stone of Insight, Sodalite will help clear the mind and bring deep thoughts. Sodalite influences the Throat Chakra, helping you to communicate clearly and express your thoughts and feelings not only with others but with your higher self. Can also help you articulate your ideas clearly, find your voice, and speak up for yourself.
Spiderweb Jasper - A stunning black and white stone that looks like a spider spun its web all over it. Spiderweb Jasper speaks to the interconnectedness of universal energies. It supports awareness of universal intelligence and how it integrates the web of life. Spiderweb Jasper is primarily associated with the Root Chakra and has healing properties that brings grounding, comfort, and tranquility. Aside from its rejuvenating properties, the stone also gives you plenty of protective energies, driving you away from evil, negativity, and bad vibrations. Spiderweb Jasper can also be used to stabilize one's aura and bring forth the energy of kindness and compassion.
Tiger's Eye - Named Stone of the Mind, Tiger’s Eye is important for focus and clarity of mind. Having this stone, you are able to remove mental distractions that may include your random array of thoughts. Your attention span increases and your determination and productivity are enhanced. Tiger’s Eye is a great crystal if you experience a lack of confidence, focus, and regularly have unorganized actions and thoughts.
Turquoise Howlite - Howlite is a natural stone and is dyed to give it a turquoise hue. As if sculpted from heaven, this unique shade of blue emanates tranquility. Turquoise Howlite is often used to promote harmony in marriage. Its blue hue is associated with the Throat Chakra which influences communication in relationships, bringing serenity and spiritual bonding. When experiencing an emotional day, use Turquoise Howlite to relieve stress, calm your mood swings, and uplift your spirit.
Unakite - A stone for stimulating and opening the Heart Chakra, Unakite elevates our experience and understanding of love and emotions by tapping into our Heart Center, which connects us to the divine and unconditional love. This allows us to develop insight into our past and present experiences and helps us respond to present circumstances with emotional maturity. Unakite's ability to infuse higher love into our emotional being teaches us to let go of past shame, guilt, fear, anger, resentment, and other dead weight emotions, freeing us to live in the now with gratitude.
White Jade - The stone of calm in the midst of storm. White Jade is excellent at healing feelings of guilt and extreme cases of defeatism. White Jade is a "dream stone," releasing negative thoughts and irritability by soothing the mind. It stabilizes the personality, integrating the mind with the body, to stimulate ideas and make tasks less complex and easier to act upon.