Shep's Wool Kelly (Shamrock) Green super soft 100% Australian Merino wool top roving in 23 microns with staple length 2-3 inches/76mm. Shep's Wool only offers the Highest Quality wool for all your crafting needs!
Choose 1 oz, 4oz, 8oz or 16oz (1lb), 2lb, 4lb, 8lb or more!
Shep's Wool offers over 40 Beautiful Colors of wool roving!
Perfect for spinning into yarn, blending hackle, making rolag, needle felting, and wet felting into any shapes and animals.
Feels AMAZING like cotton candy in your hands...soothing and easily enjoyable to work with.
This is HIGH QUALITY Beautiful Merino Wool Top Roving- with FAST SHIPPING!
Simply Stunningly Beautiful to look at and handle! Perfect for Crafts, felting, spinning into yarn with drop spindle or spinning wheel, cat caves, Waldorf Doll Heads, Stuffing, Arm Knit Chunky Blanket (recommend 7 lbs per blanket) and if you want to make your own wool dryer balls.
Needle felting, spinning, wet felting, jewelry making, 3-D sculpture or any other art work you need wonderful wool to use!
Luxurious, High Quality!
Retail $36.95/lb
Save this listing because once you receive your roving FAST in the mail, you will want more!
Staple length 2-3 inches/76mm. 23 micron
We ship fast- THANK YOU!